Dental Bridges
Among the various treatment options that dentistry offers in the field of missing tooth replacement Dental Bridges are a popular choice amongst dentists.
What Are Dental Bridges?
Dental Bridges can effectively replace a single tooth, or multiple missing teeth in the upper or lower jaw of the oral cavity. The fabricated tooth allows the patient to chew normally, and simultaneously. A conventional bridge that is fabricated in the dental laboratory for the replacement of a single tooth typically comprises of three units. For starters, two abutments and one pontic. The Abutment is the part of the bridge that is placed on top of two teeth adjacent to the missing. The Abutments act as an anchor to the bridge; the pontic on the other hand, crown that replaces the missing tooth in the oral cavity.
The Procedure
During the procedure, the dentist first notes the shade of the natural teeth. Next, one tooth on each side of the missing socket is slightly trimmed down. An impression is then taken to record the fine anatomical details of the unit. This impression is then sent to the laboratory for fabrication. Technicians use this impression as well as the selected shade to create a Dental Bridge. Once fabricated, the bridge is bonded on to the trimmed down teeth using a strong dental adhesive or cement.
Dental bridges can be made using different materials based on the patient’s individual requirement. The most popular material however, is Porcelain-Fused to-Metal, also known as PFM. It offers excellent strength, durability, and resembles natural teeth. Book an appointment with Jeanne Taylor DDS today to learn more about missing tooth replacement options in dentistry!